Windows-no-jre bug

Spankers, Spankees, and Switches of All Ages (18 and above),

There is a problem with the directory structure for the windows version of the game without an embedded JRE (the one that has a .bat file rather than a .exe). I’m not currently in a position to fix it, but you can do the following as a workaround until I fix the build:

1. There should be two folders: ScarletMoon-0.1.21 and ScarletMoon-0.1.21-windows-no-jre. They are supposed to be the same folder, I just have a setting wrong somewhere in my build tool.

2. Open the ScarletMoon-0.1.21 and copy both directories (bin and lib) into ScarletMoon-0.1.21-windows-no-jre. Now, when you run the .bat file, the game should work as intended.

Sorry about that.


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