February Update

Spankers, Spankees, and Switches of All Ages (18 and above,

Episode 2 is complete! Yay! It’s currently out for beta testing. Hopefully I’ll be able to release the next version by the end of the month.

I’ve also got a new engine written in Lua, using the Love engine. Love promises to make it super easy to bundle the game into standalone executables for each of the major operating system families (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux). Something that Java does *not* make easy. A really big part of Lua’s design philosophy is to be *really really really* tiny, so the new engine won’t have as much bloat as the Java engine either.

Anyway, let’s see if Love’s promise holds up!

I have a sample game uploaded using my new engine, and I’d be very grateful if people could download and try it. There’s like one choice, and a small battle, so it’s not really a “game.” But it should allow us to see how smoothly the engine runs on different operating systems, as well as give people a sense of the new UI:


Mac OS X


The only one that isn’t a standalone executive is Linux, because Love doesn’t *really* support building standalone executables for Linux, mostly because Linux isn’t really an OS but rather a family of OS’s. Instructions for playing the game for Linux is included in the README. Basically, you install love and then run the ScarletMoon.love file with it.

If people could download and try the sample game on their operating system and let me know:

a) if the sample game is working on your OS

b) feedback on the new UI.

Most of the UI is very similar to the Java version. The biggest difference is in combat, because the combat is actually quite different.


2 thoughts on “February Update

  1. I tested the game LOVE game, and I didn’t encounter any problems EXCEPT when I lost to Earl on purpose the game crashed instead of giving a game over. But other than that I do like the format. It feels “slicker” than Java if you know what I mean. Combat felt less clunky.

    I played it on Windows 10, by the way. Worked fine.

    1. Thanks for the feedback!

      I’m glad you seem to like the interface. In a lot of ways, it’s more primitive than the Java interface, because the UI toolkit I’m using isn’t as sophisticated as JavaFX (on purpose, the toolkit was built for games with fairly simple UI’s, not enterprise applications). But I actually understand how the hell the player’s input is getting to my code.

      I’ve isolated and fixed the bug causing the game to crash when you lose. I’m not going to bother releasing a fixed version though, since this was primarily to make sure people could

      a) run the game
      b) navigate the new UI

      and there isn’t anything you haven’t already seen when you lose to Earl.

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